martes, 14 de mayo de 2013



Welcome to our blog, "Nuestro Viaje around the world"

If you have entered this page, it´s because you know us, or because you love traveling as much as we do. Or maybe you entered the page by hazard, whatever the reason, we would like to welcome you all.

For those who don´t know us yet:

We are Sabrina and Julen; and we decided to make our dream come true together. On one hand, my dream to do an around the world trip and on the other, Julen's, to collaborate in various international projects as a volunteer. As you can see, they are perfectly compatibles, and we didn´t have to think too much about making this project reality. For some this idea might seem a bit risky in these difficult times, with the economic crises in the world and, in our eyes, a whole bunch of other "excuses" in order not to make our biggest dream come true. We choose for a half Spanish and half English title because Julen is Spanish and I'm Belgian, and we will write in English and Spanish so all our friends can read about our routs and adventures.

We will start in Dublin, the city where we met and where we lived for a few years, to whom we are sadly saying goodbye because we love it so much, because we don´t think that we will be coming back.

It will be on April 22nd 2013 when we will start this journey around the world in 4 big jumps:

Dublín - Dubai;

Bangkok – Sydney;

Sidney – Santiago de Chile;

Buenos Aires - London

To be more specific, we will cross the following cities and countries in chronological order:

Dubai, Jordan, Nepal, China, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Australia, Nueva Zealand, Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Brasil, Uruguay and Argentina.

Normally this will be our route, although this is subject to changes according to our interests and preferences, because this is a trip designed by us and we are not obliged to anything. According to our calculations, we will be spending approximately 10 long months on this journey.

We hope to keep you up to date on this big adventure, on this, "Nuestro viaje around the world"!

Sabrina & Julen

1 comentario:

  1. Hi Sabrina & Julen,

    I realised I don't have your email addresses! I have some photos for you from our tour in Beijing (and of scorpion eating!) Let me know your email and I'll send you the images.

    Let me know when you're coming to Sydney - would love to catch up!

